What is a CustomComponent

CustomComponent is a type of React Component, which is what goes in every slot of the Ollie Shop Checkout.

A CustomComponent can receive the following props:

  • cart: A JSON with information about your cart
  • storeId: Id of your store in Ollie Shop
  • showAlert: It's a function that you can use to show an alert
  • addItemsAction: It's a server function to add an item to the cart
  • updateItemsAction: It's a server function for updating an item on the cart
  • updateCustomerAction: It's a server function for updating the information of the customer
  • updatePaymentAction: it's a server function for updating the Payment data
  • updateShippingAction: It's a server function for updating the Shipping data
  • updateDeliveryAction: It's a server function for updating the Delivery data
  • updateExtensionAction: It's a server function to include extra information to your cart

export const ItemsWithShipping: CustomComponent = ({ cart,  updateItemsAction, storeId}) => {

Show Alert

title?: string;
message?: string;
type: "success" | "error" | "warning" | "info";
timeout?: number;

title: The title that will show for the client

message: The message that will show for the client

type: The styles that will be used for this alert

timeout: For how long this warning will be displayed

export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, showAlert}) => {
  function showWarning(){
      title: "Example Title",
      message: "It is an example of description",
      type: "info",
      timeout: 2000,

Add Items Action

    id: string;
    quantity: number;
    attributes?: AddItemAttributeDto[];

id: The id of the SKU

quantity: the quantity of the SKU to be added to the cart

attributes is an optional prop that can include metadata of the item, such as Seller information

export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, addItemsAction}) => {
  function addItemToCart(){
    addItemsAction(cart.id, [{
      id: "1",
      quantity: 1,
      attributes: [{
        key: "sellerId",
        value: "sellerX"

Update Items Action

lineId: string;
quantity: number;

lineId: is a unique ID specific of the Ollie API that refers to the specific item in your cart (serving similar purpose as an index).

quantity: the quantity of the SKU to be added to the cart

attributes is an optional prop that can include metadata of the item, such as Seller information

export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, updateItemsAction}) => {
  function updateItems(){
    updateItemsAction(cart.id, [
        lineId: cart.items[0].lineId,
        quantity: 0

Update Customer Action

id?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
email?: string;
phone?: string;
document?: string;
  • id: user ID
  • firstName: The first Name of the customer
  • lastName: The last name of the customer
  • email: email of the customer
  • phone: phone number of the customer
  • document: document of the customer
export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, updateCustomerAction}) => {
  function updateCustomer(){
    updateCustomerAction(cart.id, {
      email: "emailteste@teste.ag",
      firstName: "First",
      lastName: "Last",
      phone: "3648412283",
      document: "62019792"

Update Payment Action

selected: [{
	  id: string;
    value: number;
    referenceValue: number;
    planId?: string;

Id: Id of the payment method

value: The amount to be paid with this method (you can send one more object by making a payment with two methods)

referenceValue: Value of the transaction (for example if you need to include interest or payment fee's)

planId: Id of the payment plan (for example there might be multiple options to choose from the same payment method)

export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, updatePaymentAction}) => {
  function updateCustomer(){
    updatePaymentAction(cart.id, {
        selected: [
                id: "4",
                value: 10904,
                referenceValue: 10904,
                planId: "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b"
                id: "1",
                referenceValue: 60904,
                value: 60904,
                planId: "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b"

Update Shipping Action

addresses: {
  id?: string;
  postalCode: string;
  addressLine1?: string;
  addressLine2?: string;
  city?: string;
  state?: string;
  country: string;

id: id of the address (for a new address the id is not required)

postalCode: zip code of the address

addresLine1: Represents the first line of the address, including the street number and name

addresLine2: Provides additional address details, such as apartment, suite, or other relevant information for delivery

city: City of the address

state: State of the address

country: Country of the address

export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, updateShippingAction}) => {
  function updateShipping(){
    updateShippingAction(cart.id, {
      addresses: [
          postalCode: "10018",
          country: "USA",
          addressLine1: "621 Garrett Island"

Update Delivery Action

selected: [{
	  id: string;
    type: string;
    addressId?: string;
    items: string[];

id: ID of a delivery method

type: Type of delivery method

addressId: ID of the address selected for this delivery

items: an array with lineIds of the corresponding products that will be bundled in a package and shipped with this delivery method

Information of items and delivery methods can be retrieved from the cart

List of Addresses

export const ExampleComponent: CustomComponent = ({ cart, updateDeliveryAction}) => {
  function updateDelivery(){
    updateDeliveryAction(cart.id, {
      selected: [
          id: "Express Delivery",
          type: "delivery",
          items: ["5cdd8e6391ae484a97251f474ded5659", "59625b8768fe4491bc7c216e09956209"],
          addressId: "2"
          id: "Standard Ground",
          type: "delivery",
          items: ["d9c857e52eb04ea083414d2845dd33af"],
          addressId: "2"