What is a Component?
Ollie Shop works with Templates, which is nothing but a pre-defined set of slots. Slots are where a Component will go. Once you have created your own component, you can insert it in any slot.
Any template will come with default components. Simply replace them with custom components, or add your custom components to empty slots.
A component is nothing more than a React. Take a look at how a CustomComponent is built.
What are the minimum requirements to create a Component?
Ollie Shop component is composed of an index typescript file, a CSS file (optional), the package.json and the folder node_modules.
File package.json
On the package.json
you need to insert the ollieshop/sdk as a dependency:
"name": "custom-component",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"@ollieshop/sdk": "0.x"
DependeciesIf needed, you can include more dependencies on the package.json. However the total zip file cannot exceed 5MB.
File index.tsx
The file index.tsx
must export a function as default and must be of type What is a CustomComponent
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import { type CustomComponent } from "@ollieshop/sdk";
const HelloUser: CustomComponent = ({ cart }) => {
return (
<div className="container__custom__component">
Hello {cart.customer?.firstName}
export default HelloUser;
We recommend using Tailwind for CSS. Simply import it on the index.tsx file
.container__custom__component {
margin: auto;
max-width: 1280px;
padding: 16px
How to upload a Component to my store?
Use the Ollie Builder API to upload the component to your store. You'll need the ID of the component and to compress the folder as a zip file.
is a Path Variable
Compress your file (.zip) for upload
Updated 9 months ago